We're all in this together

Our youth is THE generation that builds the sustainable future they expect and deserve.

It happens in their lifetime.

We have manure-loads of optimism. Join us.

What is Regenerative Farming?

Beyond delightful farm images, everything we do is designed to actively rebuild the soil.

Here we explain using our hens as an example.

Yes! We definitely sell food. Whole, parts, or prepared? Life's about situations that need solving...

Do Hard Things with Great People.

You might be thinking that supporting our farm feels complicated. You probably wonder how you can enjoy our animals when you're ultimately purchasing them as food. It's only natural to feel conflicted when you see the healthy, happy lives these animals lead and then have to make a choice that seems at odds with that appreciation. You might even feel guilty when you see their pictures or videos, knowing they're living their best lives outdoors, only for you to 'add to cart'.

We understand that, and we feel it too. We love these animals and take the greatest pride in making sure that their time with us is nothing short of exceptional. They live outdoors, as nature intended, experiencing the best possible care and welfare, and we give them the life they deserve. Our management and husbandry practices ensure that they are regularly moved to fresh pasture, giving them constant access to the freshest grasses, legumes, and a natural diet that includes bugs, frogs, and even the occasional snake. This natural approach not only benefits their health but also regenerates the soil, making it richer and more vibrant with every season.

You might also be thinking, 'It's okay, someone else will solve climate change.' But the truth is, real change happens when each of us decides to take a small step. By supporting farms like ours, you’re choosing not to wait for someone else to fix things. You’ve become a part of the team, and the system, that's restoring the land, sequestering carbon, and regenerating ecosystems. Climate change is a massive challenge, but every conscious decision—especially in how we produce and consume food—matters.

And of course there's the question of cost. We know that the price of everything is going up, and choosing high-quality, ethically raised food feels like a luxury. It’s true that what we do costs more because it takes more care, time, and effort. But with that investment, you’re getting more than just food. You’re supporting a system that prioritizes the environment, animal welfare, and the future of our planet. You’re also helping us give back—11% of what we produce goes directly to food banks, ensuring families who can’t afford this quality still have access to nutritious, sustainable food. In the long run, investing in this kind of food isn’t just about price; it’s about the health of our bodies, our communities, and our earth.

Beyond that, we're committed to educating the next generation through our RISE camp and school field trips. Children in our community get hands-on experience, seeing firsthand how regenerative farming works, how healthy ecosystems thrive, and how they, too, can contribute to a sustainable planet. These young minds get to witness what responsible stewardship looks like, right in their own backyard, so that they grow up optimistic and empowered to build the sustainable future we all envision for them.

You're not just making a purchase—you’re contributing to a healthier planet, healthier people, and a system that cares deeply for animals, education, and communities.

It's hard, and it's worth it. Thank you for doing this with us. You are the great people.